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It’s that time of year again when everyone seems to be coming down with a cold or the flu. It can be tough to stay healthy during the winter months, but it’s not impossible! There are a number of foods that you can eat that will help boost your immune system and keep you healthy. In this article, we will discuss 7 immunity-boosting foods that you should add to your diet!


Believe it or not, eggs are a great immunity-boosting food. They are packed with nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. Eggs contain high levels of vitamins A, B12, and E, as well as selenium and zinc. All of these nutrients are essential for a strong immune system.


It’s not just delicious, it can actually be good for you too. That’s right, this pink fish is not only a great source of protein but omega-three fatty acids as well. And what do these two things do? They help boost your immunity! You see, omega-three fatty acids work to help produce infection-fighting antibodies.

These are like the body’s search and destroy system- they find an invader (like a virus or bacteria) and bind to it. This tells the body it’s time to go on the defensive and do everything it can to kill the germs. So, not only can salmon help you fight off sickness, but it’s a delicious way to do it.


They’re not just for Thanksgiving anymore. These orange-fleshed spuds are a serious beta-carotene source, which is found in red, yellow, and orange veggies. The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A, a nutrient that supports the formation of epithelial tissues. These tissues cover the surfaces of the body and organs, acting as the body’s first line of protection from pathogens. 

Vitamin A also strengthens the gastrointestinal tract against infection. So, how does this relate to immunity? Consuming foods rich in vitamin A has been shown to reduce the severity and duration of respiratory infections, like the common cold or flu. So next time you’re feeling under the weather, consider reaching for a sweet potato. Your immunity will thank you.


A bell pepper a day could keep the doctor away — at least when it comes to immunity. Technically a fruit, a red bell pepper packs more than twice the vitamin C as an orange, according to one study. They’re also an excellent source of vitamins A. Eating just one bell pepper could help you meet your daily needs for these immunity-boosting nutrients.


You’ve probably heard of it before. It’s a type of tea that is made from the Camellia sinensis plant. People have been drinking green tea for centuries, and for good reason! Green tea has many health benefits, one of which is boosting your immunity. When you think of immunity-boosting foods, you might think of oranges or other citrus fruits. But did you know that green tea can also help boost your immunity? That’s because green tea is a rich source of antioxidants called catechins.

Catechins are antioxidants that boost our immune system by keeping our cells healthy. They can also help prevent infectious diseases. So next time you’re looking for food to help boost your immunity, reach for a cup of green tea as well! You’ll be doing your body a favor.


A member of the onion family, garlic has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries. It’s no wonder that this pungent herb is considered a powerful immunity booster. Garlic is rich in sulfur-containing compounds, which are responsible for its potent health benefits. When it comes to boosting your immunity, garlic is most effective when consumed raw. This is because the heat from cooking can inactivate the sulfur enzymes that give garlic its immune-boosting properties. So, if you’re looking to add garlic to your diet for its health benefits, be sure to eat it raw!

There are many ways to incorporate raw garlic into your diet. One easy way is to add it to salads or other dishes that are served cold or at room temperature. You can also mince garlic and mix it with olive oil or honey and then spread it on toast. No matter how you choose to eat it, raw garlic is a delicious and nutritious way to keep the flu away!


t’s not just for Popeye anymore. This leafy green vegetable is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can support your immune system. Vitamin C is one of the most well-known immunity-boosting nutrients. Just one cup of spinach has loads of recommended daily value of vitamin C. But vitamin C isn’t the only immunity-supporting nutrient in spinach.

This leafy green is also a good source of beta carotene, iron, and folate. Beta carotene is an antioxidant that helps to protect cells from damage. It’s also been shown to increase the production of infection-fighting white blood cells.

Iron is necessary for the proper function of the immune system. And folate helps to produce new cells, including white blood cells. So how can you incorporate more spinach into your diet? We recommend adding baby spinach to your salads and sauteing regular spinach leaves with garlic and pine nuts. Just be sure to enjoy spinach with a food high in vitamin C, like citrus fruits or tomatoes, to absorb all of the iron.

So what are you waiting for? Stock up on some of these immune-boosting foods and get ready to fight off those winter colds and the flu!